Thursday, February 17, 2011

Central Park Top Done

After a few days of spring-like weather, old man winter reminded us that he is still in charge . . . at least for a few more weeks

5" of snow definitely warrants some spring-like quilt colors.

Pattern in based on Rachel's (of p.s. i quilt) Flipside quilt.

I had fun fussy cutting the corner stones.

Love the colors of the Central Park line by Kate Spain for Moda.

I experimented with "pressed open" seams.  I've always been a "press to one side" kind of gal.  It seems like everyone has an opinion on how it absolutely must be done.  I think it's all a matter of preference.  Although it took longer to open up those seams, I found that my seams didn't warp as much, nor did I lose as much fabric into the fold of the seam.

A taste of spring on a wintery day.

Basting and quilting will commence this afternoon.

1 comment:

Lori said...

Sonia! I'm becky's little sister Lori and she sent me the link to this blog. I just need to tell you that you have amazing taste in designs and patterns and quite the talent! Seriously, I'm very much not a quilty fan in general, but I would be happy and proud to have any of these displayed in my home. Your family is lucky to you have you. Three cheers to you.